Instrumentation 6

Microscopy is the study of objects or samples that are too small to be seen by the naked eye. There are several types of microscopy, each with its own advantages and limitations. Here are the main types of microscopy: 1. Optical microscopy: This is the most common type of microscopy, which uses visible light to illuminate a sample. Optical microscopy can be further divided into several subtypes, such as brightfield, darkfield, phase contrast, fluorescence, and confocal microscopy. Optical microscopy is a technique that uses visible light to observe the sample under a microscope. It consists of several components, including an objective lens, an eyepiece lens, and a light source. The working of optical microscopy involves the following steps. The sample to be viewed is prepared by fixing it onto a glass slide and adding a stain or dye to enhance its contrast. The light source, located beneath the sample, emits light that is directed through the condenser lens to focus the light o...

PETase enzyme.

 Plastic-eating bacteria are a type of microorganisms that have the ability to break down and consume plastic materials. These bacteria have the enzymes necessary to degrade plastic polymers, which are long chains of molecules that make up most plastic products.

One type of plastic-eating bacteria is Ideonella sakaiensis, which was discovered in 2016 in a plastic waste dump in Japan. This bacterium produces an enzyme called PETase, which can break down polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a common type of plastic used in water bottles and other products.

Other types of plastic-eating bacteria have also been discovered, including species that can degrade polystyrene and polyurethane. While the discovery of these bacteria is promising for reducing plastic pollution, there is still much research to be done to understand how they can be used effectively and safely.

It's worth noting that plastic pollution is a complex problem that requires multiple approaches to address, including reducing the amount of plastic we produce and use, improving recycling systems, and finding new ways to reuse and repurpose plastic materials. While plastic-eating bacteria offer a potential solution, they are just one piece of the puzzle in tackling this global challenge.

PETase is an enzyme produced by some species of bacteria that can break down polyethylene terephthalate (PET) into its component parts. PET is a common type of plastic used in products such as water bottles, food packaging, and textiles.


To dissolve PET using PETase enzyme, the following steps can be taken:

  1. First, the PET material must be exposed to the PETase enzyme. This can be done by placing the material in a solution containing the enzyme, or by coating the material with the enzyme.
  2. The PETase enzyme then breaks down the PET polymer chains into smaller units, such as mono(2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalic acid (MHET) and ethylene glycol.
  3. The resulting smaller units can then be further broken down through chemical processes into their individual components. For example, MHET can be hydrolyzed to produce terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol.
  4. The terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol can then be separated and purified for reuse in the production of new PET products.


It's worth noting that while PETase has shown promise in breaking down PET, there is still much research to be done to optimize the process and make it more efficient. Additionally, using PETase to dissolve PET may not be a practical solution for large-scale plastic waste management, as it would require significant amounts of the enzyme and may not be cost-effective.


There are several other types of enzymes that have been found to be effective in breaking down different types of plastics. Some examples include:


Lipases: These enzymes can break down a variety of plastic types, including polyethylene, polystyrene, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Cutinases: Cutinases have been found to be effective in breaking down polyethylene terephthalate (PET) as well as other types of plastics, such as polyurethane and polycarbonate.

Cellulases: Cellulases are enzymes that can break down cellulose, a component of plant-based plastics such as cellophane.

Laccases: Laccases are enzymes that can break down lignin, a component of plant-based plastics such as wood pulp.

Proteases: Proteases are enzymes that can break down proteins, which are used in some types of bioplastics.


It's important to note that while these enzymes have shown promise in breaking down plastics, much research still needs to be done to optimize the process and make it more efficient. Additionally, the use of enzymes for plastic degradation may not be practical for large-scale waste management due to the cost and availability of the enzymes. Therefore, it is important to continue exploring a range of approaches for addressing plastic pollution, including reducing plastic use, improving recycling infrastructure, and finding new ways to reuse and repurpose plastic materials.


Research on PETase…

  • There has been a significant amount of research conducted on PETase enzyme and its potential for breaking down polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic.


  • In 2016, a team of researchers led by scientists from the University of Portsmouth in the UK discovered the first PETase enzyme in a bacterium found at a plastic recycling plant. The researchers then used X-ray crystallography to analyze the structure of the enzyme and identify its active site, which is the part of the enzyme that breaks down PET.


  • Since then, researchers have been working to improve the efficiency of PETase in breaking down PET. In 2018, another team of researchers from the University of Portsmouth and the US Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) used computational modeling to identify mutations that could improve the enzyme's performance.


  • More recently, in 2020, researchers from the University of Toulouse in France and the University of Portsmouth used directed evolution, a process of artificially selecting for desired mutations, to create a more efficient version of PETase. This new enzyme, called "MHETase," was able to break down PET more quickly and effectively than the original PETase.


  • Overall, the research on PETase enzyme and its potential for breaking down PET is ongoing, and there is much work to be done to optimize the process and make it more efficient. However, the discovery of PETase and other plastic-eating enzymes is an exciting development in the field of plastic waste management and has the potential to contribute to reducing plastic pollution.


Advantages of PETase:


Environmentally friendly: PETase is an enzyme that breaks down PET plastic into its component parts, which can then be reused or further broken down. This process is more environmentally friendly than traditional methods of plastic waste management, such as landfilling or incineration.


Potential to reduce plastic pollution: PETase has the potential to contribute to reducing plastic pollution by breaking down PET plastic, which is a major contributor to marine litter and other forms of plastic waste.


Low energy requirements: Enzymatic degradation of PET with PETase requires lower energy input than traditional mechanical or thermal processes for PET recycling.


Possibility to increase recycling rates: If optimized, PETase could be used to recycle PET products that currently cannot be recycled.


Disadvantages of PETase:


Limited application: PETase has only been shown to effectively break down PET plastic, which limits its application to other types of plastics.


Slow process: The process of breaking down PET with PETase can be slow, which limits its effectiveness in large-scale waste management operations.


Cost: The cost of producing and using PETase on a large scale is currently prohibitive for many recycling operations.


Uncertainty around enzyme stability: There is still much research to be done to optimize the stability of PETase enzyme in different environments and at different scales, which could limit its effectiveness in certain applications.


The application of PETase lies in the potential to break down polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic waste. PET is a widely used plastic for packaging and other consumer goods, and PET waste can persist in the environment for hundreds of years.


Here are some potential applications of PETase:


  1. Recycling: PETase could be used to break down PET waste into its component parts, which could then be reused in the production of new plastic products.
  2. Waste management: PETase could be used to break down PET waste in landfills or other waste management facilities, reducing the amount of plastic that accumulates in the environment.
  3. Bioremediation: PETase could be used to clean up areas contaminated with PET waste, such as plastic waste dumps or marine environments.
  4. Research and development: The study of PETase and other plastic-eating enzymes can lead to the development of more efficient and effective ways to break down plastic waste.


It is important to note that while PETase has shown potential for breaking down PET plastic waste, there is still much research to be done to optimize the process and make it more cost-effective for large-scale waste management. Additionally, PETase alone is not a comprehensive solution to plastic pollution, and other approaches such as reducing plastic use, improving recycling infrastructure, and finding new ways to reuse and repurpose plastic materials are also important in addressing the issue of plastic waste.



Research topics to explore more applications about PETase and get more known application of PETase enzyme.


Title: To Extraction of polyethylene Terepthalase [PETase] enzyme from the Marine Microalgae.


Introduction: There is a lot of plastic pollution in the environment, and it’s also affected the marine life. Polyethylene terephthalate [PET] is a chemically stable polyester. The use of PET few years specially in food and drink packaging. Our ocean and specially beach area is fully polluted, so in this situation the amount of plastic has been increased because the big part of pollution is PET. Sea animals are very affected by the PET, due to PET pollution has caused the extinction of some sea animal species. Marine microalgae available in ocean or sea, so the microalgae use for extraction of this PETase enzyme. Or the other side the big number of microalgae affect to sea animals because of overgrowth of algae presence on surface of the sea. In this situation the sunlight and oxygen cannot provide for sea animals because the algae stop sunlight and oxygen. In this experiment advantage is the PETase extracts for PET degradation and the microalgae growth can also balance in sea.


Aim: To use extracted PETase from Marine Microalgae decreasing the marine PET [Polyethylene terephthalate]



1.     First Collect marine microalgae.

2.     Extract PETase from the help of marine microalgae and apply the enzyme in polluted area in sea.

3.     Degradation of PET:

Ø  The PETase reaction is starts.

Ø  Presence of PETase and water PET convert in to intermediate MHET [mono 2 hydroxyethyl terepthalate].

4.     MHET is hydrolyzed in to two monomers.

Ø  The PET film fully degraded within 6 weeks [at 30°C].

Results Expectation:

After experiment Find another application of PETase enzyme. And Solve the PET pollution problem.

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